People who inspire my style.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cool Kids ft. Stalley "We Can Do It Big"

Another from Creative Control!!!


About Me

My Photo
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I'm a hip-hop artist, skater, blogger, owner of my own company, and also I'm designer. I am inspired by different cultures. I am currently working on mixtapes and a hip hop DVD magazine titled LuxuryTV.In the future I hope to become a well known mens wear designer and philanthropist. If you want to contact me hit me up at.... I also run a Tumblr You can find me on Twitter @LuxuryLKO You can find my music on these sites. REVERBNATION SOUNDCLOUD
View my complete profile

The Golden Beginning

The Golden Beginning
My Mixtape

My Favorite Blogs and Websites Thus Far.


Yohji Yamamoto

Karl Lagerfeld

Thank You In Advance!

I would like to thank all who view this blog. My name is Designer Darnell L aka LKO the Hip Hop artist. I am in the NAVY. On my spare time I work on this blog, skateboard, make music in the studio, and design clothes for my highstreetwear line. My mixtape will be out May 5, 2010. The Golden Beginning Mixtape coming soon! Peace

Kanye West & Marc Jacobs

Kanye West & Marc Jacobs

Sean Combs


Designer Darnell L

Designer Darnell L
Click for my page.

Sa-Ra Creative Partners

Sa-Ra Creative Partners

Designer Darnell's Playlist

Victor Glemaud

Ozwald Boateng

Chris Julian

Ralph Lauren

Pharrell Williams

Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons
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